Classroom Central provides training to any instructor who may need a quick introduction to the technology available in technology classrooms.
In-Person Training
To request equipment training or discuss the use of media in the classroom, contact the ITS Help Desk, and we'll put you in touch with someone from Classroom Central. This is helpful if the configuration of equipment changes, you need to use an unfamiliar piece of equipment, or if you need assistance with effective integration of technology for course delivery.
Contact the ITS Help Desk at itshelp@6317p.com or 757-683-3192.
Quick Reference
There should be a Technology Classroom Quick Guide in every Technology Classroom. If the guide is missing, contact the ITS Help Desk at (757) 683-3192 or itshelp@6317p.com, or pick up the hotline phone.
Student Organizations
If your student organization has reserved academic space (meetings, programs, etc.), contact Classroom Central or the ITS Help Desk at least 2 weeks in advance of your event to arrange training.